About Me

Hi there!

I’m Kat of Burning Curiosity and I’m so thrilled you found your way to my blog site.

If you’re anything like me, and I’m guessing that you are, you are a curious person with multifaceted and diverse interests and hobbies.

As soon as I was able to read, I read anything I could get my hands on. I have memories of being very young and sitting on the floor in my family’s sitting room, and looking at all my parents’ books on the shelves. I’d pull them out, look at the cover art, read the backs, and could not have been happier!

I often visited my grandmother in Vacaville and loved staying the weekends with her. She always took me to the little Ben Franklin dime-store and let me pick out a book. For years I was obsessed with the Nancy Drew books, you know, the little yellow hardback ones? (Actually, I still love reading them.)

As I grew older, I would pour over encyclopedias, almanacs, even dictionaries.

There wasn’t a subject I wasn’t interested in, from health, psychology, history, crafts, hobbies…you name it!

I decided to start Burning Curiosity as a way to write in blog format the many things that pique my interest, and I hope they do yours as well.

Let’s go have some fun exploring random, but always interesting, things, places, and people.