Fun Facts about Pizza

We all love pizza, but you might not have known about these 13 cool facts about pizza.

food facts about pizza

Americans eat roughly 350 slices per second.

cool facts about pizza

It’s believed that pizza was invented in Naples in the early 1500s.

food facts about pizza

Lombardi’s in New York City was the first pizzeria in America.

facts about pizza

Roughly 13% of Americans eat pizza on any given day.

fun food facts

Pizzas in Italy were originally shaped like squares.

Italian pizza

There are over 5 billion pizzas sold worldwide each year.

pizza facts

October is National Pizza month.

food facts

More pizza is eaten on a Saturday night than any other day of the week.

game day food

About $38 billion worth of pizzas are sold annually in the United States.

revenue from pizza

About 3 billion pizzas are sold in the U.S. every year.

things to know about pizza

61% of Americans prefer thin crust pizza to thick crust.

pizza facts

April 5th is National Deep Dish Pizza Day

October 11th is National Sausage Pizza Day

Check out the National Food Days!

Check out Food Network’s Best Pizza Recipes.

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